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STM-027: Solidity* / EVM*


            Bhargavan, Karthikeyan and Delignat-Lavaud, Antoine and Fournet, C{\'e}dric and Gollamudi, Anitha and Gonthier, Georges and Kobeissi, Nadim and Kulatova, Natalia and Rastogi, Aseem and Sibut-Pinote, Thomas and Swamy, Nikhil and others

Venue and Year

            PLAS, 2016

Original Work

            Formal Verification of Smart Contracts

Defense Modality


Core Method(s)

            static analysis + formal

Input-Output Mapping

            source code => report

Targeted Contracts

            Any Ethereum

Threat Model

Vulnerable contract, malicious contract, or both

Targeted Vulnerabilities